5 Things I have Learned from Graduate School
Unofficial #6: Caffeine is necessary, don't fight it, just give in. Author: Brittany Maule While I try not to be an Eco-Troublemaker, I have found that personal reflection and things of that nature are a good way to orientate yourself in the swamp of chaos that can become life sometimes. That’s why this blog post is taking a break from interesting organisms and is all about what I have learned from my time in graduate school (so far, not quite done even though I fantasize about it). A little background about myself: I am currently in the last semester of my M.S. program in Biology at Ball State University. More specifically, I am about one week away from my entire thesis being due, and about three weeks away from trying to defend my project to my committee. So, it’s a little bit of a stressful time to say the least. From what I have read about during stress-induced google searches and have seen first-hand from other graduate students, graduate school is a mixed experi...